Malta flag emoji - Country flags“Wara l-logħba mal-Polonja għamilt disa’ siegħat ma nistax norqod. Kont imhedded, insultaw lil familti, xtaqu l-mewt lit-tfal tiegħi… Ninsab tajjeb anki jekk forsi ftit tas-snin ilu kont inkun ħafna agħar. Forsi m’għamiltx xogħoli kif suppost. Nifhem lil min jikkritikani għax ma skurjajtx imma n-nies imisshom ipoġġu ruħhom fiż-żarbun tiegħi u jippruvaw jifhmu xi tfisser li tiġi mhedded, li jgħidulek li jixtiequ li Uliedek imutu. Meta tiġi xi traġedja imbagħad jgħidu li kien tifel sew.”

Dan hu dak li stqarr l-attakkant ta’ Juventus u ta’ Spanja waqt intervista ma’ Cadena Cope. Solidarjeta’ mal-plejer tagħna u stmerrija ma’ min jagħmel dawn l-azzjonijiet li m’għandhom xejn x’jaqsmu mal-isport u l-prestazzjonijiet sportivi. Li tikkritika b’mod kostruttiv huwa tajjeb imma li tabbuża b’dan il-mod mill-liberta’ tal-kelma huwa diżgustanti u kriminali.

Forza Alvaro! Ċert li se terġa tkun aħjar milli diġà kont!

United Kingdom Icon – Free Download, PNG and VectorSolidarity with Morata

“After the game against Poland I spent nine hours unable to sleep. I was threatened, my family was insulted, others wished death to my children… I am fine even though if it happened a few years ago I would have felt much worse. Perhaps I didn’t do my job well enough. I understand those who criticize me because I didn’t score, but people should put themselves in my place and try to understand what it means to be threatened, to be told they want your children to die. When a tragedy finally happens they then say he was a good kid.”

This is what the Juventus and Spain striker said during an interview with Cadena Cope. Solidarity and full support goes to our player whilst we condemn whoever behaves in such a way that has nothing to do with sports and sporting performances. Constructive criticism is important but such abuse of freedom of speech is disgusting and a criminal act.

Forza Alvaro! We are sure you will be even better than before!