Fil-ġimgħat li għaddew Nicole Sciberras kienet qegħda Malta għall-btajjel tagħha. Alan Fenech ħa l-opportunita’ u tkellem magħha dwar l-esperjenza tagħha ma’ Juventus Women.
Nicole, bla dubju int persuna ammirata minn eluf ta’ sapporters JUventini speċjalment dawk Maltin. Kif tiddeskrivi l-mument li irċevejt l-aħbar li Juventus kienu nteressati fik, l-ewwel impatt mal-Juventus Centre u kif irnexxilek tadatta għal mal-plejers l-oħra.
Meta sirt naf l-aħbar bqajt bla kliem. Ma stajtx nemmen li kont se nkun qegħda nilgħab ma’ Juventus. Il-Juventus Training Centre sar qisu t-tieni dar tiegħi u kuljum meta kont nasal hemm kont infakkar lili nnifsi kemm kont ixxurtjata li nista’ nitħarreġ f’faċilitajiet professjonali bħal dawk. Sħabi u l-kowċes mill-ewwel laqawni u ma stajtx inkun iktar kuntenta.
Kont Juventina qabel ma’ sseħibt ma’ Juventus?
Le, ma kontx imma issa nissaportjahom ovvjament anki għax kont plejers ta’ Juventus jiena stess.
Kellek ukoll numru ta’ sejħiet mat-tim tal-kbar. Kif ħassejtek? Kif laqawk il-plejers il-kbar?
Kont verament kuntenta meta ġejt msejjħa mal-kbar u ħassejt li kien suċċess personali importanti, Il-plejers l-kbar verament laqawni fosthom.
Kellek xi mumenti partikulari li kienu iebsin waqt l-esperjenza tiegħek f’Turin?
L-inċertezza dwar jekk hux se jkompli jew le il-lig u t-taħriġ minħabba l-pandemija affetwatni psikoloġikament. Il-familja tiegħi ma setgħetx tiġi żżurni, kelli noqgħod kwarantina mal-kumplament tat-tim tlett darbiet waqt l-istaġun u l-kampjonat ġie sospiż għal xi xahrejn mingħajr ma kellna ħjiel meta jew jekk kienx se jkompli jew le. Dawn il-mumenti ma kienu faċli xejn.
Mill-esperjenza tiegħek ma’ Juventus liema plejer timmira l-iktar?
Il-plejer li nammira l-iktar hija Laura Giuliani, għax hija leader u persuna li tilqgħek. Kelli relazzjoni tajba ħafna magħha.
Kif ħassejtek meta irbaħt il-Viareggio Cup?
Ir-rebħ tal-Viareggio Cup kienet preċiżament dak li jfisser kliem Giampiero Boniperti “alla Juventus vincere non è importante, ma è l’unica cosa che conta”. Niftakar il-kowċ jgħid hekk qabel waħda mill-logħbiet. Il-pressjoni biex nirbħu kienet għolja ħafna imma dak li ħassejna meta rbaħna kien indeskrivibli.
Għandek xi aneddotu jew fatt kurjuż li tista’ taqsam magħna?
Iva, qabel kull logħba, it-tim tal-kbar jagħmel il-ħaka fic-chaning room.
L-istaġun li ġej se tkun qed tilgħab ma’ Tavagnacco fis-Serie B. Kif tħossok dwar dan?
Hija esperjenza ġdida u nħossni eċitata ħafna. Nispera li l-istaġun li ġej ikun aħjar minn dak li għadda.
Liema kien l-isbaħ mument li kellek ma’ Juventus s’issa?
Ir-rebħ tal-Viareggio Tournament kien wieħed mill-isbaħ mumenti ma’ Juventus. Mument ieħor mill-aqwa kien meta ġejt imsejħa għall-Viola Tournament f’Lyon u dħalt fil-Groupama Stadium mat-tim tal-kbar. Mument ieħor mill-isbaħ li ma ninsa qatt kien meta rajt lit-tim tal-Juventus tal-irġiel l-ewwel darba fl-Allianz Stadium.
X’inhuma ix-xewqat u l-ambizzjonijiet tiegħek għall-futur?
Ix-xewqat u l-ambizzjonijiet tiegħi huma li nkompli nilgħab il-futbol f’dan il-livell u il-quddiem fis-Serie A. Nixtieq ukoll li nkompli nirrapreżenta lil pajjiżi mat-tim nazzjonali u nkompli miexja l-quddiem.
Il-plejers nisa favoriti tiegħek huma…?
Lisa Boattin, Linda Sembrant u Sofie Junge Pedersen.
X’messaġġ tixtieq tgħaddi lill-membri tal- Juventus Club Cuore Bianconero (Malta)?
Nixtieq nirringrazzja lil Juventus Club Cuore Bianconero u l-membri kollha tal-istima, is-sapport u talli stednuni fil-klabb tagħhom.
Fino alla Fine, Forza Juventus.
Interview with Nicole Sciberras
Alan Fenech took the opportunity to interview Nicole Sciberras about her experience with Juventus Women whilst she was enjoying her holidays here in Malta.
Nicole, you are undoubtedly admired by thousands of Juventus fans especially Maltese, but how would you describe receiving the news Juventus were interested in signing you, the first impact with the Juventus Centre and blending in with the other team mates?
When I first received the news I was speechless. I couldn’t believe that I was actually going to play for Juventus. The Juventus Training Centre became my 2nd home and each day I went there I reminded myself how lucky I was to have such professional facilities. I instantly felt welcome by my teammates and coaches and couldn’t be happier.
Where you a Juve supporter before joining the club?
No, I was not but I do support them even more so now that I was a Juventus player myself.
You also had a number of call-ups with the Senior squad, what was that like? How did the senior players welcome you?
I was overjoyed when I got called up with the Senior squad and it felt like a great achievement personally. The senior players welcomed me so well in the team.
Where there any particularly hard moments during your experience in Turin?
The uncertainty of not knowing whether the league or training would continue because of the pandemic did take a toll on me mentally. My family couldn’t visit me, I was put in quarantine together with the rest of the team 3 times during the season and the league was suspended for a couple of months not knowing when or if it will restart again. These moments were definitely not easy.
Who is the player you look up to the most from your experience at Juventus?
I look up to Laura Giuliani, as she is a leader and a very welcoming person. I had a very good relationship with her.
What was it like to win the Viareggio Cup?
Winning the Viareggio Cup was the real definition of Giampiero Boniperti’s message ‘Alla Juventus vincere non e importante, ma e l’ unica cosa che conta’. I remember the coach saying this before one of our games. The pressure to win was high but the winning feeling was indescribable.
Do you have any curious fact or anecdote you could share with us?
Yes, so before a game, the senior team players perform a haka in the changing room.
You will be joining Tavagnacco in Serie B next season. How do you feel about this?
It’s a new experience so I am very excited. I hope the upcoming season will be even better than the last.
What is best moment you had so far at Juventus?
Winning the Viareggio Tournament was one of the best moments at Juventus. Another great moment was when I was called up for the Voila Tournament in Lyon and entered the Groupama Stadium with the Senior team. Lastly, watching the Juventus men’s team at the Allianz Stadium for the first time was an unforgettable moment.
What are your hopes and ambitions for the future?
My hopes and ambitions are to continue playing football at this level and eventually play in the Serie A. I also hope to continue representing my country at national team level and improve on what we have done so far.
Your favourite female players are…?
Lisa Boattin, Linda Sembrant and Sofie Junge Pedersen
What message would you like to send to the members of the Juventus Club Cuore Bianconero (Malta)?
I wish to thank the Juventus Club Cuore Bianconero and their members for their acknowledgment, support and for having invited me to their club.
Fino alla Fine, Forza Juventus.