🇲🇹 Kultant tajjeb li nieqfu u naħsbu naqra. Kultant mingħajr ma jkollna intenzjoni ħażina nispiċċaw biex nikkritikaw jew immaqdru anki b’mod eċċessiv lil dak li nħobbu. Dan mhux inqas anki meta niġu għat-tim li tant inħobbu, il-Juventus.
Min jaf kemm ħafna minnha jgħaÄ¡Ä¡lu biex jikkritikaw is-soÄ‹jeta, plejers partikolari, il-kowÄ‹…donnu ilkoll nifhmu iktar minn kull wieħed minnhom. Kultant tajjeb li nieqfu u naħsbu naqra.
Meta ħarÄ¡et l-aħbar tas-Superleague kulħadd kien xi ftit jew wisq sorpriż anki jekk min isegwi l-futbol kien ilu jisma’ xnihat dwar din l-inizjattiva rivoluzzjonarja. Kien hemm min qabel u kien hemm min ma’ qabilx. Kien hemm sapporters li saħansitra ħarÄ¡u jipprotestaw, forsi mhux dawk Juventini. Dan ilkoll kellhom id-dritt li jagħmluh, biex niftehmu. Li ma nistax inÄ¡erraħ, bħala supporter Juventin huwa kif wieħed jasal biex jgħajjar il-President Agnelli meta dan l-iskop ewlieni tiegħu wara l-inizjattiva kien propju li jtejjeb is-sitwazzjoni tal-club li bħal kull club ieħor (u forsi iktar minn Ä‹erti clubs li għandhom il-barka tal-UEFA u l-FIFA u tal FIGC etc… li jagħmlu li jridu minkejja l-Financial Fair Play) ħa daqqa kbira minħabba dak li Ä¡abet magħha l-pandemija. Ma nifhimx kif minflok ningħaqdu wara l-bandiera u kontra il-ħafna oħrajn illi li kien għalihom jiskomunikaw lil Juventus mid-dinja tal-ballun, inkunu aħna stess li ngħajru u nikkritikaw b’mod eÄ‹Ä‹essiv u sproporzjonat tim li tana fuq li tana b’xiex nifirħu.
Ejja nagħtu ħarsa malajr u fuq fuq (mingħajr ma nidħlu f’ħafna dettalji) lejn kif svolġew l-affarijiet fis-saga ta-Superleague:
18 t’April 2021 – Wara xnihat fil-media Ingliża titħabbar uffiċjalment it-tnehdija tas-Superleague ffurmata minn 15 –il club Ewropew fosthom il-Juventus bħala fundaturi. Agnelli jirriżenja minn Chairman tal-ECA u minn membru tal-Esekuttiv tal-UEFA u jiġi mħabbar li flimkien ma’ Perez (President) se jkun il-Viċi President tas-Superleague.
19 t’April 2021 – UEFA tħabbar li se tespandi c-Champions League ghal 36 tim. Il-gvern Ingliz jopponi s-Superleague kif naturalment jagħmlu ukoll il-UEFA permezz tal-President Ceferin (li jgħajjar lil Agnelli traditur) u jhedded b’sanzjonijiet kontra t-timijiet mseħbin.
20 t’April 2021 – Perez jitkellem dwar il-bżonn tas-Superleague biex isalva l-futbol Ewropew speċjalment minħabba d-dejn kbir li qed jaħkem il-clubs. Ceferin ikompli jżid fit-theddid u jistieden l-clubs Ingliżi biex jirtiraw. Chelsea u Manchester City l-ewwel li jirtiraw. Jirriżenja Ed Woodward minn mal-Manchester United u sa filgħaxija s-sitt clubs Ingliżi jirtiraw kollha. Hawn mill-ewwel jibda l-attakk ta’ ċertu sapporters Juventini li jingħaqdu ma’ oħrajn ta’ timijiet oħra (li żgur ma jridulniex ġid) lejn Agnelli.
21 t’ April 2021– Jirtiraw il-kumplament att-timijiet u jibqgħu biss Juventus, Real Madrid u Barcelona. It-tgħajjir jiżdied anki jekk nafu li dawn it-3 timijiet huma ġganti bi storja u mhux se jkunu boloh biżżejjed biex jagħmlu pass falz. Ceferin iħossu qed jirbaħ.
Jgħaddu ftit Ä¡imgħat u ħafna jaħsbu li Agnelli u sħabu waqgħu għaÄ‹-Ä‹ajt… sadattant dawn tal-aħħar jaħtru lill-avukat magħruf għal-liÄ¡i ta’ Bosman Jean-Louis Dupont u jressqu l-każ quddiem il-qorti Ewropeja.
7 ta’ Ä unju 2021 – Il-qorti ta’ Madrid tgħid lil UEFA u FIFA li ma jistgħux jieħu l-ebda azzjoni kontra Juventus, Barcelona u Real Madrid
8 ta’ Ä unju 2021 – Il-qorti Svizzera ttenni s-sentenza ta’ Madrid
9 ta’ Ä unju – UEFA jwaqqfu proÄ‹edimenti legali kontra t-tlett timijiet.
Dan juri kemm Agnelli & Co. kienu jafu x’qed jagħmlu u jagħti ħafna x’jifhem kemm kultant inkunu lesti nippuntaw subgħajna wisq malajr.
Dan mhux dak li jgħamilna Juventini.
Dak li jagħmilna Juventini huwa li nibqgħu nissieltu sal-aħħar…Fino alla Fine… Usque ad Finem!
🇬🇧 Usque ad Finem
Sometimes we need to stop and reflect, think for a while. Sometimes, without having any bad intention we end up criticizing, even excessively that which we hold so close to heart. This is also the case when it comes to our favourite football team, Juventus.
Who knows how many times many of us rushed into criticizing the management, particular players, the coach…as if we know more than each and every one of them. Sometimes we need to stop and reflect.
When news broke about the Superleague, everybody was taken a bit by surprise, even though those who follow football closely had been hearing rumours about this revolutionary initiative. There were those who agreed and those who didn’t. There were supporters who took to the streets to protest, even if perhaps not Juventus fans. They had every right to do this, no doubt. What I find hard to digest as a Juventus supporter is how one can go as far as attacking President Agnelli when the only scope he had was to improve the club’s situation which like that of any other club (and perhaps even more then certain other clubs favoured by UEFA and FIFA even when it comes to Financial Fair Play) faced major setbacks due to the pandemic. I find it hard to understand how instead of uniting behind our colours and against the many others who would rather have Juventus removed from the world of football, we ourselves, attack and over-criticize a team which has given us so much to rejoice about.
Let us have a quick look (without going into too many details) at how the whole Superleague saga unfolded:
18th April 2021 – Following rumours in the English media, the launch of the Superleague was announced officially consisting of 15 European teams with Juventus as one of the founding members. Agnelli resigns as Chairman of the ECA and as member of the UEFA Executive commitee. Perez is announced as President and Agnelli Vice-President of the the Superleague.
19th April 2021 – UEFA announces the new 36 team format for the Champione League. The English government opposes the superleague just like UEFA (obviously). Ceferin (who called Agnelli a traitor) threatens to sanction the member clubs.
20th April 2021 – Perez, in a press conference, speaks of the need of the Superleague to save European football especially due to the enormous debts faced by the clubs. Ceferin continues to intensify his threats  and invites the English clubs to withdraw. Chelsea and Manchester City are the first to do so. Ed Woodward resigns from Manchester United and by that evening all six English clubs withdraw. Immediately comes the attack by certain Juventus supporters who join those of other teams (who definitely do not wish us well) in their attacks on Agnelli.
21st April 2021 – All other teams with the exception of Juventus, Real Madrid and Barcelona withdraw. Insults increase even though these three teams are giants with an impressive history and are not stupid enough to make hasty decisions as some may think. Ceferin feels he is winning.
A few weeks pass and many think Agnelli and his colleagues have messed-up completely…. in the meantime, however, they appoint lawyer Jean-Louis Dupont of Bosman ruling fame and present a case in the European Court.
7th June 2021 – A court in Madrid tells UEFA and FUFA that they cannot sanction Juventus, Barcelona and Real Madrid
8th June 2021 – a Swiss court also warns UEFA.
9th June 2021 – UEFA stops legal procedures against the three teams
This comes to show how Agnelli & Co. Knew every step they were taking and sends a clear message to those who sometimes are ready to point fingers too prematurely.
This is not what makes us Juventini
What makes us Juventini is the will to fight to the end…Fino alla Fine…Usque ad Finem!