David Trezeguet, imlaqqam Trezegol, huwa leġġenda fil-klabb Juventin fejn fl-għaxar snin li qatta’ bħala plejers tal-Bianconeri bejn s-sena 2000 u l-2010 skurja 138 gowl f’245 logħba li rrappreżenta l-kuluri bojod u suwed.
Iżda l-karriera tiegħu ma’ Juventus ma waqfitx hemm għaliex fl-2015 ġie nkarigat bl-irwol ta’ President tal-Juventus Legends għal tliet snin. Wara dan tliet snin oħra bħala Brand Ambassador, bl-irwol importanti li jwassal il-kuluri taz-Zebre bit-trademark il-ġdid ‘il barra mill-Italja.
Illum huwa t-tmiem tat-tielet darba li Trezeguet kellu rwol importanti fi ħdan il-kamp Juventin. Huwa rringrazzja lis-sapporters kollha Juventini tal-appoġġ li dejjem tawh. Stqarr li kien wasal f’mument fil-karriera tiegħu li jibda paġna ġdida fi rwol ta’ kowċ jew direttur sportive. Min jaf, forsi għada pitgħada jerġa’ jiġi għar-raba’ darba ma’ Juventus f’wieħed minn dawn l-irwoli? Żgur se jsib l-appoġġ tagħna l-Juventini. X’taħsbu?
Ħallu l-kummenti tagħkom hawn taħt.
Trezeguet leaves Juventus…for the third time
David Trezeguet, nicknamed Trezegol, is a Juventus legend where in his 10 year time span plaing for the Bianconeri between the year 2000 and 2010 scored 138 goals in 245 matches that he represented the Black and White colours.
However, his career with Juventus did not end up as in 2015 he was appointed as President of the Juventus Legends for three years. Subsequently, he was given the role of Brand Ambassador for another three years, with the important task of bringing the colours and the new trademark of Le Zebre beyond Italy.
Today is the third time that Trezeguet leaves Juventus. He thanked all the Juventus supporters for their continuous support, admitting that the time has come to kickstart a new adventure in his carrier within the roles of coach of sporting director. Who know, maybe tomorrow he will come back with Juventus for the fourth time covering one of these roles? Surely he will find all our support as Juventus fans. Do you agree?
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