🇲🇹 Il-kumitat flimkien ma 18 yards, jixtieq jistedinkom ghal Pizza/Pasta Night nhar is-nhar is-Sibt, 28 ta ’Awwissu eżatt qabel il-partita tas-Serie A ta’ Juventus kontra Empoli. Kulħadd huwa mistieden jingħaqad u jgawdi appetizer, pizza jew platt għaġin u deżerta għal €15 biss!
Jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lil kwalunkwe membru tal-kumitat jew Ä‹empel 99012915 għal aktar informazzjoni. L-avveniment se jibda fit-20:00 u wara nkunu nistgħu naraw il-logħba flimkien mid-20:45 l’quddiem.

Il-bookings għandom isiru sa nhar il-Ä imgħa 27 ta’ Awwissu

🇬🇧 The committee would like to inform you that on Saturday, August 28th, in conjunction with 18 Yards Bar & Grill, a Pizza/Pasta Night will be held just before Juventus’ Serie A match against Empoli. Everyone is welcome to join and enjoy an appetizer, a pizza or a plate of pasta, and a dessert for only €15!

Please contact any member of the committee or phone 99012915 for more information. The event will begin at 20:00 and from 20:45 onwards, we will be able to watch the match live in HD.

Bookings closing date: Friday 27th August