Meta l-aħbar tar-ritorn t’Allegri ma’ Juventus saret waħda uffiċjali, il0-ġurnalisti mill-ewwel staqsew: ‘’X’tip ta’ Allegri ħa naraw ma’ Juventus?’’. F’waħda mir-risposti tipici tiegħu, huwa rrisponda, “sentejn ixjeħ, fortunatament”. Din hija risposta interessanti ħafna. Sfortunatament, fl-aħħar staġun tiegħu ma’ Juventus, l-iskwadra lagħbet mingħajr ebda motivazzjoni speċjalment wara l-eliminazzjoni xokkanti kontra Ajax fil-kwarti ta’ final tac-Champions league 2018/19. Fl-istess staġun ma’ Juventus, Allegri deher li tilef ir-riedni tal-iskwadra u ħafna mid-drabi, Allegri iddependa fuq il-kwalitajiet individwali tal-plejers tiegħu biex jirbaħ ċertu logħbiet.
Għal din ir-raġuni, nittamaw li Allegri ħa vantaġġ minn dawn is-sentejn ta’ ‘waqfa’ u rranġa xi affarijiet bit-tama li reġa’ ġej lura aħjar minn qatt qabel.
What kind of Allegri shall we expect at Juventus?
As soon as Allegri’s return to Juventus was made official, he was immediately met by the journalists on the streets and asked: ‘’what kind of Allegri shall we see at Juventus?’’. In one of his typical replies, he said ‘’fortunately, two years older’’. This is quite an interesting statement. Unfortunately, during his last season at Juventus, the team played with no motivation at all especially after the shocking elimination against Ajax in the quarter finals of the UEFA champions league 2018/19. In his last season with Juventus, Allegri seemed that he had already lost track of his team and most of the times, Allegri relayed on the individual abilities of his players to win certain games.
For this reason, we hope that Allegri took advantage of this two-year ‘break’ and re-organised his ideas with the hope of coming back stronger than ever.