[:mt]🇲🇹 Flag: Malta Emoji — Meaning In Texting, Copy & Paste 📚 Jumejn biss wara li tħabbret l-mewt ta’ Giampiero Boniperti, l-istorja tal-Juventus ġarbet telfa oħra, hekk kif ġie nieqes il-midfielder Spanjol Luis del Sol fl-għomor ta’ 86 sena.

Luis Del Sol twieled fis-6 t’April 1935 f’Arcus de Qualon (Spanja). Qabel ma ssieħeb ma’ Juventus fl-1962, Del Sol lagħab ma’ for San Jeronimo, Betis Siviglia u Real Madrid. Mal-merengues trebaħ tlett Tazzi tac-Champions. Hu iddebutta fis-Serie A waqt il-logħba Genoa vs Juventus fis-16 ta’ Settembru 1962 li spiċċat fi draw ta’ mingħajr gowls.

Del Sol kien l-ispirtu gwerrier tat-tim ta’ Heriberto Herrera. Huwa kien fil-fatt il-magna f’nofs il-grawnd li waslet lil Juventus għar-rebħ tal-iscudetto tal 1966/67 u l-Coppa Italia tal-1964/65. Plejer bieżel ferm, kien plejer eżemplari fejn jidħol ubbidjenza lejn l-ordnijiet tal-kowċ u kapaċita’ u konċentrazzjoni kompluta fuq il-logħba kull darba li kien jilgħab.. Fi żmien li ra numru kbir ta’ plejers jilmentaw dwar l-ordnijiet li kien jagħtihom Heriberto Hererra, Del Sol kien isegwihom kemm fit-taħriġ kif ukoll fil-logħob. Hu kien fil-fatt dak li kien jgħaqqad id-difiża mal-attakk u spiss kien ikun hu  li kien isib l-ballun f’saqajh sabiex ifittex l-aħjar soluzzjoni jew biex jgħin lid-difiża jew biex ifittex l-attakkanti. IL-veloċita’ u l-puntwalita’ tiegħu malajr għamluh idolu tas-sapporters Juventini.

X’aktarx li l-iktar logħba memorabli ta’ Del Sol ma’ Juventus kienet kontra Inter fit-22 ta’ Diċembru 1963. Dakinhar il-midfielder Spanjol lagħab logħba impekkabli li ssarfet f’rebħa ta’ 4-1 għall-bianconeri.

“Il postino” (il-pustier) Del Sol lagħab 297 logħba ma’ Juventus u skurja 31 gowl fit-tmien staġuni bejn 1962 u 1970. Huwa lagħab ukoll 16 –il darba għal Spanja u skurja 4 gowls.

Flag: United Kingdom Emoji 🇬🇧Luis Del Sol passes away

Merely two days after the passing away of Giampiero Boniperti, the Juventus world has suffered another loss, that of Spanish midfielder Luis Del Sol aged 86.

Midfielder Luis Del Sol was born on the 6th of April 1935 in Arcus de Qualon (Spain). Before joining Juventus in 1962, Del Sol played for San Jeronimo, Betis Siviglia and Real Madrid. With the latter he won 3 Champions Cups. He made his debut in the Serie A during the match Genoa vs Juventus on the 16th of September 1962 which ended in a goalless draw.

Del sol was the warrior soul of  the team at the time of coach Heriberto Herrera. He was infact the engine in the midfield that propelled Juventus to the victory of the 1966/67 scudetto and the 1964/65 Coppa Italia. A typical hard worker Del Sol was the example of a player who obeyed the orders of the coach and who was capable of concentration on the game putting in maximum effort every time he played. In a time when the orders of Heriberto Herrera saw many of the players complain, Del Sol was capable of going by the orders both during training and during the match. He was in fact the link between the defence and the attack, often finding the ball at his feet and having to cook up the best solutions either to help the defence or else to set up the attackers on the offensive side. His speed and punctuality on every ball soon saw him become one of the idols of the Juventus fans.

Perhaps the most memorable game of Del Sol with Juventus was that against Inter on the 22nd of December 1963. On this particular occasion the Spanish midfielder played a great match resulting in a 4-1 win for the Turin side.

“Il postino” (the postman) Del Sol played 297 matches for Juventus, scoring 31 goals spread over eight seasons between 1962 and 1970. He also played 16 times for Spain, scoring 4 goals.
