Spiċċa l-Euro 2020 u fl-aħħar, wara sena nistennew (qegħdin fl-2021) sirna nafu t-tim rebbieħ fost il-ferħ u d-dieqa tal-partitarji Maltin li raw finali bejn l-aktar żewġ timijiet nazzjonali popolari f’pajjiżna.
Iżda issa naqilbu l-paġna. Wasalna sabiex jerġa’ jiftaħ staġun ieħor ta’ futbol (ma tantx kellna brejk) fejn it-timijiet lokali jiltaqgħu f’irtir ‘il bogħod mill-familji tagħhom (u mill-qrid tad-dar) sabiex iħejju ftit ruħhom bi preparazzjoni atletika u jneħħu ftit is-sonża li akkumulaw fis-sajf neqsin mill-ġiri tas-soltu. Hekk għamlu l-plejers ta’ Juventus illum, iltimi minn dawk li ħadu sehem fit-tazza tal-Euro u l-Copa America, fejn iltaqgħu għall-ewwel darba wara l-waqfa tal-istaġun li għadda sabiex jaraw fiżikament f’liema stat jinsabu. Fost dawn insibu lil McKennie, Pinsoglio u anki Dybala bil-kuntratt tiegħu għadu pendenti. Magħhom inżidu r-ritorn mis-self ta’ plejers bħal Rugani, De Sciglio u Pellegrini.
Wasalna għall-bidu tal-Allegri-bis…jew Allegri 2.0. L-istaff kollu tiegħu huwa kkonfermat, bil-viċi tiegħu għal darboħra jkun Marco Landucci. X’qed nistennew mingħandu? Se jirnexxielna nerġgħu nirbħu l-iscudetto? U fuq kollox, se naraw mill-viċin it-tazza b’widnejha kbar, forsi din id-darba mmissuha u neħduha magħna wkoll wara 25 sena?
Ħallu l-kummenti tagħkom hawn taħt.
Euro 2020 has come to an end, and after a year waiting (we’re in 2021) we found out who is the winning team amongst the joy and sorrow of Maltese supporters who saw the final between the two most popular national teams in the country.
But let us turn the page. It’s time to open a new football season (didn’t have much of a break) where the local teams retire together away from their families (and home’s problems) to prepare themselves athletically removing the fat accumulated in the summer holidays away from the usual exercise. This is what Juventus’ players did today, orphaned from those who took part in the Euro Cup and Copa America, where they met for the first time after the end of the last season to see their physical state. Amongst these we can find McKennie, Pinsoglio and even Dybala with his contract still pending. With these we can add other players who returned home from their respective loans, such as Rugani, De Sciglio and Pellegrini.
It-s time to start the Allegri-bis…or Allegri 2.0. The staff is now official with his left-hand being again Marco Landucci. What are we expecting from him? Will we win another scudetto? And amongst all, will we manage to see closely the cup with the huge ears, maybe this time touching and taking it with us after 25 years?
Leave your comments below.