[:mt]🇲🇹 Flag for Malta EmojiKultant inħarsu lura u ngħidu kif għadda ż-żmien… u fil-każ ta’ dan il-Club ukoll.  Għaddew kważi għaxar snin mindu fetaħ il-bibien għall-ewwel darba. Snin mimlija sodisfazzjon, snin li matulhom mijiet ta’membri siefru u attendew logħob importanti, mijiet ta’membri iltaqgħu mal-idoli tagħhom, mijiet u eluf ta’ membri gawdew minn inizjattivi maħsuba mis-sapporter għas-sapporter. Min jaf kemm għajjatna u fraħna flimkien. Min jaf kemm kantajna u kemm iċċelebrajna bħala familja waħda kbira.

Din l-aħħar sena u nofs kienet waħda stramba b’ċirkostanzi straordinarji, imma issa li erġajna qbadna it-triq lura lejn in-normalita’ jeħtieġ li nkomplu fejn ħallejna u biex nagħmlu dan, hemm bżonn li nġeddu s-sħubija u nħeġġu membri ġodda jissieħbu magħna, sabiex sena, ħamsa, għaxar snin oħra nerġgħu ngħidu “Kif għaddew! Kemm fraħna u ċċelebrajna flimkien…”

United Kingdom Emoji (U+1F1EC, U+1F1E7)Time just flew!

Sometimes we look back and think how time just flew…and this is also the case when it comes to our club. Nearly ten years have passed since the club opened its Doors for the first time. Years full to the brim with satisfaction, years during which hundreds of members went abroad to watch important matches, hundreds of members met with their idols, hundreds and thousands of members benefitted from initiatives conceived by supporters for fellow supporters. Who knows how many times we yelled and rejoiced together. Who knows how many times we sang and celebrated like one big family.

The last year and a half was a strange one in strange circumstances, but now that we are back on the road to normality, we must pick up from where we left off and in order to achieve this we need to renew our membership and encourage new members to enroll so that a year, five, ten years from now we can once again say “Time just flew! Who knows how much we rejoiced and celebrated together…”
