[:mt]L-eks captain ta’ Juventus u President Onorarju tal-club tagħna, Claudio Marchisio, ingħata l-premju “Sport u Drittijiet Bniedemi 2021” mill-Amnesty International Italia u Sport4Society.
Fi kliem il-ġurnalist Riccardo Cucchi, president tal-ġurija, Marchisio ingħata dan il-premju minħabba il-mod kostanti u l-impenn tiegħu li bih dejjem jesprimi ruħu fuq temi sensittivi bl-iktar mod ċar u sinċier. “kien kapaċi jiġbed l-attenzjoni tas-sapporters u tad-dilettanti dwar temi soċjali importanti bħal traġedji li jinvolvu l-imigranti, ir-rispett lejn id-drittijiet tal-bniedem u r-rwol tal-futbol bħala mezz ta’ espressjoni ta’ valuri. Dan huwa għamlu permezz tal-medja soċjali li użahom biex jilħaq ħafna nies u jwasslilhom il-messaġġ tiegħu dwar dawn it-temi importanti.”
Min-naħa tiegħu, f’kumment li ta dwar dan il-premju, Marchisio stqarr: “Inħossni onorat ħafna b’dan il-premju għax għalija jiswa daqs ir-rebħ ta’ scudetto.”
Marchisio receives the “Sports and Human Rights” award
Former Juventus captain and Honorary President of our club, Claudio Marchisio, was awarded the “Sports and Human Rights” award promoted by Amnesty International Italia and Sport4Society.
Journalist Riccardo Cucchi, president of the jury stated that Marchisio received the award due to his constant commitment to always express his thoughts on sensitive issues clearly. “He was able to draw the attention of fans and enthusiasts to important social issues, such as the tragedies at sea linked to migration flows, respect for human rights and the role of football as the carrier of values. Basically everything was done through his social channels, where it was used as a communication tool and as a means of messaging aimed at raising awareness among the many people who follow him.”
Commenting about the award, Marchisio stated: “I am very happy to receive this award, which for me is as important as the Scudetto.”[:]