[:mt]F’messaġġ li bagħat lill-President u l-membri kollha tal-klabb tagħna, il-President Onorarju Claudio Marchisio, stqarr illi qiegħed jittama li ma jdumx ma jerġa jiġi jżurna u jara logħba tal-Juventus flimkien magħna.
Marchisio qal li s-sitwazzjoni li ġabet magħha l-pandemija hija waħda diffiċli għad-dinja kollha imma m’għandniex naqtgħu qalbna u dan aħna l-Juventini nafuh sewwa. “Anki jekk dis-sena ma rbaħniex l-għaxar iscudetto, l-istorja tal-Juve tgħallimna li qatt ma għandna naqtgħu qalbna imma nkomplu mixjin il-quddiem. Dan hu li nawgura lilkom ukoll, li jfittex jgħaddi dan i-żmien u nkunu nistgħu nerġgħu nibdew mmorru l-istadium u anki l-klabb. Nispera li lkoll tinsabu tajbin. Tgħanniqa kbira mingħandi u mingħand il-familja kollha”.
A message from Marchisio
In a message sent to the President and all the members of our club, the Honorary President Claudio Marchisio, said he cannot wait to visit us again and watch a Juventus match at the club with us members.
In his brief video message, Marchisio said that the situation due to the pandemic is a difficult one for the whole world but one must not give up and we as Juventus supporters know this way too well. “Even if this year we did not win the tenth scudetto, the history of Juve teaches us that we should never give up but continue moving forward. This is what I wish each and every one of you. I hope this situation may subside as soon as possible so as to be able once again to go to the stadium and the club. I hope you are all well. I’m sending you all a big hug from me and my family.”