🇲🇹 Nixtiequ infakkru lill-Juventini kollha li se tiġi organizzata open day fis-sede tal-Juventus
Club Malta Cuore Bianconero fil-Marsa għada, s-Sibt, 25 ta’ Settembru!

Nistednuk biex tingħaqad magħna fil-klabb u nqattaw ftit ħin flimkien! Se tkun opportunità
eċċellenti biex iġġedded is-sħubija tiegħek mal-klabb, tibbukja biljetti għal-logħob, kif ukoll
tidħol fiċ-ċans li tirbaħ xi premjijiet Juventastiċi!!

Narawk għada bejn l-10:00 sas-17:00!

JCMCB Open Day



🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 We would like to take this opportunity to remind all Juventini that tomorrow Saturday 
25th September we shall be organising an open
day at the Juventus Club Malta Cuore Bianconero premises in Marsa!

We encourage you to join us and spend some time at the club! It will be a good opportunity to renew your club membership, book your match tickets and also enter the chance to win some Juventastic prizes!!

See you tomorrow from 10:00 to 17:00!

JCMCB Open Day