Bħalissa fl-Allianz Stadium għaddej xogħol bi preparazzjoni għall-istaġun il-ġdid. Fil-fatt qed jingħata wiċċ ġdid tal-ħaxix lill-grawnd li ra tant suċċessi Juventini f’dawn l-aħħar għaxar snin kemm ilu miftuħ.
Iżda l-bdil fil-wiċċ tal-grawnd jidher li huwa wkoll xi ftit metaforiku hekk kif il-Juventus għaddejjin minn tiġdid li beda ftit tax-xhur ilu imma li jidher li das-Sajf jaf jidher il-qofol tiegħu.
Minbarra l-wiċċ ġdid tal-grawnd s’issa kellna wiċċ ġdid (imma mhux daqshekk ġdid) fejn jidħol il-kowċ, wiċċ ġdid fejn jidħol id-direttur sportiv (anki jekk Cherubini kien diġà parti mill-istaff ta’ Juventus)u żgur li se jkollna wiċċ ġdid fejn jidħol it-tieni goalkeeper.
Il-mistoqsija fuq fomm kull Juventin bħalissa hija: min se jkunu l-wċuħ ġodda fejn jidħlu plejers?
At the moment the Allianz Stadium is being given a face lift or rather is being resurfaced with new turf and hence the stadium which in the last ten years saw so many Juventus victories will be given a fresh coat of Green.
However the change in the pitch’s turf is not the only one and seems to serve as an ideal metaphor as Juventus have in the past few months been going through a change process which seems to be reaching a climax this Summer.
The last few months have seen changes being made not only to the surface of the pitch but to the head coach (even though in this case it is a return rather than a new face), a change in the role of Sporting Director (even though formed part of the staff already) and definitely a change in the role of second goalkeeper.
What most Juventus fans are asking at the moment is: who will be the new faces when it comes to players?